Rec Contacts

LVRSA is an independently run Non-Profit organization. The entire program is run with fees obtained during registration. The fees are used to ensure we provide the children with high quality equipment, uniforms, training, coaches, fields, lights, and other necessities.

Our program is fully run by volunteers who have families, jobs, and other responsibilities outside of LVRSA.  Please be considerate and respectful by not calling members prior to 9AM and no later than 9PM.

We have over 1,000 participants in the program and strive to address questions promptly. Please ensure your subject line is clear, your questions are brief, and your child’s information such as grade and coaches name is provided. Also, many times there are open positions and we’re always in need of volunteers to Coach, Assistant Coach, Line Fields, and work in other capacities, why not step up?

Long Valley Rec Soccer Board

 President  Scott Wood  (908) 447-2330
 Vice-President /  Secretary Ivy Hamill
 Treasurer  Bob Dilling  (908) 229-6110
 Equipment Rob Waskis
 Travel Liason  Dan Twomey  (908) 876-3349
 Marketing / Sponsorhip  Shannan Clogher
 Player / Coach Development  Justin Breen
 Referee Coordinator  David Wahl  (908) 377-5441

Division Coordinators

 Kindergarten & Pre-K (BOYS and GIRLS)  Ivy Hamill
 PeeWee – BOYS (Grades 1-2)  Scott Wood   (908) 447-2330
 PeeWee – GIRLS (Grades 1-2)  Rob Waskis
 Minor – BOYS (Grades 3-5)  Bob Dilling  (908) 229-6110
 Minor – GIRLS (Grades 3-5)  Shannan Clogher
 Major – BOYS (Grades 6-8)  Bob Dilling  (908) 229-6110
 Major – GIRLS (Grades 6-8)  Bob Dilling  (908) 229-6110
 Senior – BOYS (Grades 9-12)  Bob Curtis
 Senior – GIRLS (Grades 9-12)  Scott Wood   (908) 447-2330
 Spring Soccer (Grades PreK-12)  Scott Wood & all others listed above  (862) 881-7582

Operational Members

 Equipment Coordinator  Rob Waskis
 Field Scheduler  Ivy Hamill
 Field Lining Coordinator  Scott Wood  (908) 447-2330
 Photo Coordinator  Dave Meehan  (908) 866-8751
 Trophy Coordinator  Bob Dilling  (908) 229-6110
 Uniforms/Apparel  Shannan Clogher
 Website Administrator Cynthia McConnell  (703) 346-4467

Wasington Township Rec Department

 Wash. Twp. Recreation Dept.    (908) 876-5941
 Field Assignment and Maintenance  Darlene Hatcher  (908) 876-5941